2014 ISUG-TECH conference

April 15, 2014
Categorized as: Conference

The 2014 ISUG-TECH conference will be held April 14-17 at the Hilton, Atlanta in Atlanta, GA.  We expect more than 500 technical users and customers of SAP products to join us, attending lecture sessions, workshops, round-tables, etc. learning all they can about the latest SAP technologies, and hearing from the experts in their field.

We're exceptionally happy to announce that SAP will be launching SAP ASE 16 at our conference, and will be providing several hours of technical sessions directly related to this new release!

Conference activities will begin on Monday the 14th with optional workshops.  Detailed information about these workshops will be available to you as part of the registration process.  The main conference will open on Tuesday morning at 8am with a keynote followed by plenary sessions, after which there will be two and a half days of technical breakouts - lectures, round-tables, workshops, etc., presented by some of the foremost experts in the industry.  The conference will end around 4pm on Thursday the 17th.  There will be additional optional workshops on Friday the 18th for those looking to add even more learning to their conference experience.

There will be more than 150 hours of in-conference technical sessions Tuesday-Thursday from dozens of SAP experts.  These sessions will cover a variety of SAP database, mobile and application products including SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE), SAP Replication Server, SAP PowerBuilder, SAP Mobile Platform, SAP PowerDesigner, SAP IQ and SAP HANA.  Details of these sessions are online, and the agenda builder will be available on or about March 1st, 2014.

Registration for this event is now open!  ISUG-TECH Gold members save $300 off the price of a conference pass, while Core Members and ASUG members can also save $100.

Sponsor and exhibitor information is available here.  All ISUG-TECH Partners receive a 20% discount off the exhibitor/sponsor package fees.  (Learn more about our Partner Program here.)

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